Dont pay any attention to the members of the church of global warming. Like any religious fundamentalists, theyre going to come up with some way to invalidate anything that doesnt support their religious belief in impending cataclysmic punishment for the sins of the evil greedy capitalists. Seriously, do you really think people would cling to such poorly supported and very primitive science regarding anything else if there werent something religious or idiological involved? Oh, and of course any time any scientist comes up with anything contradicting their beliefs then there must be an oil company involved. Im surprised that aliens arent involved somehow too.
If it supported their religion theyd probably still be claiming that luminiferous aether is validated science that was "settled".
At the very least, its the absolute verifiable truth that there is NO "scientific consensus" and the science is nowhere near "settled". Anyone who claims these things is either ignorant, an al gore follower (which is pretty much the same thing), or just plain lying. The whole field is in its infancy at best.
IonlyLikeCoolStuff about Our Climate, v1.0.1