Very interesting app for anyone how wants to know about climate change. Needs some upgrade for the iPad though. But thanks a lot! Will make discussions with my profs a lot easier : )
Very interesting app for anyone how wants to know about climate change. Needs some upgrade for the iPad though. But thanks a lot! Will make discussions with my profs a lot easier : )
A very interesting app with a lot of information. World apocalypse seems not to happen the very next years.
There is nothing new about this app, it just summerizes all the propaganda spread in the last years. Every reasonable human being should take a look at some more reliable information.
The content is informative without being overly technical. Engaging.
This app is clearly in favor of promoting a non-human caused warming agenda. For example, they go to great lengths to explain the low sensitivity arguments (i.e. Non-human causes for warming) that include feedback and review from non-human induced warming people like Lindzen, but dont bother to do the same for the opposing counter article (high sensitivity article). As well there are a multitude of non substantiated claims made in just about every article, most trying to poke holes at the human induced warming theory. Basically garbage.
This application is long overdue and a wonderful and cheap resource for those looking for comprehensive information about climate change. My kids liked the top 10 list, which reminded them that the climate is always in flux as is climate science, that we have warmed in the past century but not in the past decade, that CO2 is used by plants as food and increases crop yields, that global sea ice levels are at the mean, and that the rate of sea level increase has declined. My twelve year old was particularly interested in the information about solar activity and its effect on climate because he is trying to convince me to buy more agricultural companies for his education account. He is under the impression that the recent solar minimum may lead to a very bad harvest next year that would ensure that he can afford a much better education six years from now. I was very pleased with the large amount of material that the kids could use and the references that accompanied the material. That said, I have yet to see any material on the UHI effect, which was a disappointment to my son, who has been busy documenting it in the Metropolitan Toronto area, and has been looking at some of the literature showing that the CRU adjustment underestimates the effect by at least a factor of twenty. We have also not been able to find links to the audit that documents the low quality of the surface stations, and to the GISS use of statistical interpolation in high latitude areas where temperatures are calculated using data from 1,000 km away rather than rely on actual station data. It is doubtful that any open minded individual would accept the AGW hype if that material were available for review. The quiz is great. I would venture to guess that those that scored really poorly would rate this application low even though the correct answers are supported by references to actual empirical data rather than models or narratives. The Quiz on its own justifies the price because it provides an excellent assessment of your knowledge and leads you to investigate why you got certain answers wrong. My kids could not believe the fact that the greatest malaria epidemic in the 20th century took place in Siberia and used Google to find academic papers to justify the answer given. The fact that the application got them interested in a subject and got them to do research on it makes the price well worthwhile and has helped reduce some stress. They have so much material stored in their Google accounts that they are prepared for their usual science papers during the next academic year. And the fact that they will be bringing up well supported arguments that are not exactly popular will make them better able to handle criticism and to learn to think on their own rather than follow the herd. My only negative has to do with the difficulty to read the text on the small screen of an iPod or iPhone. Old guys like me would like the text to be just a bit larger.
This is one of the most politically charged apps available. There are many who will do and say anything to downplay its importance to inform those curious about climate. Just read the one star ratings--there is where they will show themselves. There is a war for the hearts and minds of the public and this app pulls away the curtain to expose the claims of those who want you to believe but not to challenge. Even if you do not support its premise, at least you get a good grounding in solar physics, actual climate science (not hypothetical modeling), atmospherics, and historical weather facts for 99 cents.
This app has to have been developed by one of the groups in denial of global warming. 95 % of the global science community have agreed the world in warming and its man-made. Global warming wont fun or funny. Can I have my 99 cents back now?
Well done & informative. Not going to be popular with the Church of Climatology though, because its long on facts and short on faith or appeals to authority. Excellent conversation and education tool at the personal. The fact that the Warm Mongers hate it is icing on the cake!
A great summary of the key points that leaves no doubt about the invalidity of the idea that carbon dioxide is the main driver - or even an important one - in determining climatic conditions. It is just what you need as support in informal discussions on climate.
This application helped me understand that Climate Science is actually far from settled. It was a real eye opener. I had no idea that there were so many opposing theories as the ONLY thing you ever read about in the news and television is the Hollywood version where "everything is a disaster and it is all caused by we humans and our SUVs and will all result in total catastrophic thermageddon and meltdown and death by heat or drowning". Now I realize that the science is very far from settled and that nobody can rightly claim to have ALL the answers and actually most rational people do NOT claim to have all the answers (just those with agendas who want to sell you something - a newspaper or more taxes)! And silly me, I thought that everything regarding climate science was settled. What a silly sheep I was! Thank you "Our Climate" - if nothing else it will open your eyes! Highly recommended!
Certainly helped me understand the actual state of human understanding of GW along with our limits. A refreshing change grom the religious fervor surrounding the alarmist groupthink.
Well, the title says it all. But most of all, the author(s) of these articles dont want to scare you or play on your emotions. By giving you a broad view of known facts and of the main theories and models in climate science, they want you to use your brain. And thats a refreshing change from what you can read in the press. The only flaw of this app is that it doesnt remember where you left. So, when you quit the app and relaunch it, youve got to navigate back to where you were. Thats why Im giving it 4 stars instead of 5.
Well if you consume all of your news from Fox you will love this app. This app is nothing but a propaganda tool that reassures the skeptics that nothing is changing with our worlds climate. I work in the high arctic studying the climate and everything in this useless app is a lie. Dont waste your time or the energy required to download this impediment to our global community.
Apparently our universities are teaching its students garbage and this gives truth. Hope that people will educate themselves of both sides of the global warming argument before being sucked into this collective overdrive of misleading information.
Hey whats up with the "latest news update", hasnt worked in forever.. I sent an email but am being ignored...
A terrific and wonderfully informative app about our climate. If you truly wish to be informed about the climate, how it works, and our relationship/effect with it, then you need to get this app! With fun quizzes and an A to Z lesson on climate, this is not one to miss out on.
This app is an orgy of misinformation, fictional graphics and misleading polls packaged in a slick presentation for an increasingly gullible audience.
The app presents an informative summary, reasonably well supported by references.
Real Science based on real data with valuable summary information and insight. Global warming alarmists are the single greatest threat to humanity since the inquisition period. This apps gives factual information for one to make reasonable conclusion.