Our Climate App Reviews

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So-called "global warming" is just a secret ploy by wacko tree- huggers to make America energy independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start 21st-century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable. Dont let them get away with it! This app does nothing but spread FUD.

The truth will set you free!!!

Great app,it is time to dispute the likes of Al Gore. In his movie,an inconvenient truth,is an untruth. All this climate change or global warming caused by man is a myth. I have known this for last 2 years. My sources are professional highly credible people. All this is about is to make this country redistribute our wealth. ( socialisim )

Worth the 99 cents to explore the broad range of climate topics

I dont understand some of the previous negative reviews. There are and have always been natural cycles and components to our climate which have been well observed throughout recorded history and is well recorded in paleo history (ice cores and other geologic research). It seems reasonable too that human activity can alter climate to some degree too. What I find bizarre is that some want to focus on one to the total ignoring of the other and will cry foul when both are explored critically as this app attempts to do. Like an earlier reviewer, I too am a research scientist. I understand that climatology is in its infancy. New frontiers in science are never settled and always full of debate over the principals of the hows and whys of what is observed. I find that "Our Climate" is a useful laymans resource to explore the broad scope of emerging science that, in the time honored tradition of competing hypotheses and, yes, even outspoken and dueling scientists, moves one closer to understanding the incredible complexity of our climate with the core issues presented on equal ground. "Our Climate" doesnt open by asserting a foregone conclusion which makes it inviting to explore the many facets of scientific investigation and public opinion. Given that the topic of climate change is so highly polarized, I am impressed that "Our Climate" navigates such turbulent waters as well as it does. I give it only four stars because I would like to see more hyper-linking to the external references it presents but otherwise, I think it is excellent in most other respects.

Great climate data

This app allows every person to have access to actual climate data so they can make up their own minds about climate change and whether man made impacts play a role. Climate fear advocates have made this issue too political and have tried to hide and conceal actual data to preclude people from doing their own reviews and analysis. The stakes are too high to all the worlds people to accept a decision on how to address climate change only proposed by climate fear elitists.


This app gives you a lot of facts and charts, but it doesnt take long to realize this is a selective argument against global warming. Im always interested to know the counterpoints in any debate, but shame on you for disguising this to be an educational app instead of a soapbox.

Gullible Individuals Needed!

As one educated in geoenvironmental studies and an educator of college students, I strongly suggest that those with an interest in global climate change do their own research, not put too much faith in any one source (for example, this iPhone app) but rather see what the preponderance of scientific evidence suggests, and most importantly, know who sponsored the research and the theories espoused as well as any potential biases those sponsoring or presenting such research may be inclined to have. Scientists are generally skeptical and having a substantial majority of well-educated scientists in agreement that humankind has at least some influence on global climate change is well worth serious consideration. Lets face it. Why should anyone care about your education or your opinion in this matter? One important reason is that what you believe, whether correct or not, influences how you vote on related issues and eventually affects policy. One has to wonder if this app was ever really intended to educate individuals on climate concerns and issues, as it certainly does not advocate the primary views of mainstream science. Could it be that this application is simply taking advantage of free or low cost advertising to push a non-mainstream agenda to unsuspecting or gullible individuals?

Misleading: political bias disguised as science

Doesnt take long to figure out this app provides selective and biased information opposing the consensus of mainstream climate science. Do not buy unless you want to understand the arguments of those who deny global warming.

Fossil fuel industry propaganda

Its cute that they charge 99 cents. Makes it look like a real app.

Myth killer!

With this app you can get the real low down on climate change instead of being spoon fed myths from certain other sources.

Total bull.

Really --- how can anyone believe this?Not worth the download time. Deleted.

Thank you

. . . for further dumbing down our people, and for prostituting yourself to the fossil fuel corp-RATS!


Its funny -- half are five star ratings from global government skeptics. The other half are one star "progressives" "Hope" and "change" shouldnt mean class warfare or stripping away personal freedom. If youre one of the mental giants who has already made up your mind (its not a "consensus" by the way), you should do a quick search for "Al Gore". Your point of view only costs five bucks ($5) in the app store. :-)


If you want more climate change data, check out the IPCC Report. This app is very misleading, and trys to set a tone as if everything is okay and we fixed the problem.

Truth is out there

The IPCC is a NATO Joke. If you support those idiots you can bet theyll be taxing you for carbon usage real soon. The one question that needs to be answered is ... What is the US Govt doing with its ongoing project of Geo-Engineering? This is happening right now, but not one of our politicians will discuss or in my cases admit that they know anything about it. These same congress members sit on the board of this project but act like imbeciles when approached with questions from the people. I believe humans are responsible BUT not you and me. It is the Govt and NATO programs that are causing this.

Inaccurate information

The graphs are somehow "doctored" to mislead. I suggest an app or info from a more scientific source. rather than someone who has no standing. The testimonial on this info is from Dr Soon. According to wkipedia: Willie Wei-Hock Soon (born 1966) is an astrophysicist at the Solar and Stellar Physics Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Soon has testified before Congress on the issue of climate change[1] He is known for his views that most global warming is caused by solar variation. In 2011, it was revealed that he received over $1,000,000 from petroleum and coal interests since 2001.


Get the Skeptical Science app for correct climate skepticism.

An informative issue app

This is perhaps the best and most informative issue app Ive seen. Those rating it lowly are opposed to the facts that it presents. Regardless of your present position on Man-caused Global Warming, spend some time poking through this app and you are likely to learn something. Good app, and good info. As an issue app, it is not neutral, but it is accurate.

So disappointing

Cherry picked partial data sets which say that the science is unsettled when its very clear. Very misleading

Snap Back To Reality!

Delightful app, except for the part where we are wasting hundreds of billions of dollars to solve a problem that only exists in the minds of those who are on the receiving end of the hundreds of billions of dollars.

Learn About Climate

A very good app to learn about the science and not the hype. The facts are presented but many will not agree because of the politics involved. I highly recommend this app.

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