Mostly unsupported by the scientific literature.
Mostly unsupported by the scientific literature.
Truly a great app. Provides a much needed source of basic facts and the quiz is awesome. Some of my "expert" friends did no better than 2 right! Anyway, great app from the start, maybe you could add some videos in future updates.
This is pseudoscience propaganda, pure and simple. I cant believe it is a featured app! Is the intelligent design app coming next?
After reviewing the "facts" stated on this app, I feel more comfortable looking up at the planets and just know that the earth is the center of the universe, and that evolution is the myth that I just knew it was. I cant believe Apple bans porn but allows this piece of dribble.
This is an informative, well designed app that is well worth its modest $0.99 price tag. Although there are some sick, sad individuals who buy this app just to put it down, this actually contains accurate, factual information rather than the anecdotal "evidence" provided by alarmist "scientists". If you must know the truth behind "global warming", or "climate change" , as its been rebranded as, this app is great.
For all of the people complaining about this app, all I can say is that its great to see an app promoting open sharing of information that is not one-sided propaganda. This is a great app to educate yourself with facts, and gives you knowledge about the hard questions to ask. Read the materials, and see how much the press, media, and consensus "scientists" arent really telling you. Glad that someone created an app for climate education ... Not to push an agenda!
It seems that this application shows accurate scientific data at a first sight. But with my first exploration of the application I noticed that every piece of information is trying to deny climate change is ocurring, without grounding these statements in up-to-date research presented in legitimate sources (peer reviewed scientific journals). Interesting application, based in how information is presented, but definitely biased.
I bought this app because it says it offers both sides of the debate, but after going through most of it, it is obviously a thinly veiled propaganda for denying human involvement in climate change
People who have reviewed this negatively and say its pseudoscience have no idea what they are talking about. They have obviously drank the AGW koolaid and dont want to hear the truth. This app may seemed biased against AGW but thats only because the supporters of AGW have for so log skewed the argument to the point that being fair and even in reporting the facts seems extreme.
Its refreshing to see whats foisted upon us as "settled science" looked at in the true spirit of science, with a critical eye. Those who decry this app as not being sourced in peer reviewed work would have you ignore the mounting evidence that honest peer review of what has passed for climate science has been largely nonexistent. The contributors to this app are unafraid to show their work, name their sources, share their methods. Take the time to read of the struggles theyve had trying to obtain such lucidity and openness from the leading scientists in the crusade to condemn mankind for what we perceive to be a warming planet.
This App is actually full of educational material on climate change. Far from denying that climate change occurs, like some of the other reviewers have claimed, the App poses the very reasonable question: "did mankind or nature cause the recent global warming?" While the app doesnt try to answer the point directly, it attempts to enlighten the reader with some clear and balanced information on the various possible causes... If you want access to a broad range of climate topics, including those that generally dont get covered in the press, then I think youll find this a truly interesting resource! It covers a range of interesting background topics on why climate change occurs. The article on the Greenhouse effect was a real eye-opener and explained in lucid terms how the effect actually works. Finally, the Q&A is a riot! Watch your friends expressions as they try their hand at the questions... Top marks and great job!
It seems like there are no "inbetween" reviews for this app. Curious to see... I downloaded it and was very pleased to see that it contained well-organised groupings of knowledgable and well-referenced tutorials on our climate history and its drivers. If you have kids who are interested in the current debate on the climate, then this app provides a platform to help them critically evaluate various claims made in the popular media. They will probably also love the Quiz - it is quite counter-intuitive! While it definitely attempts to make a point on what is driving global warming, it is not prescriptive, alarmist, or extremist in its view and takes care to canvas the opposing point of view as well. Taken as a whole, the app highlights how much we still have to learn about climate processes! Excellent pocket reference!
Finally, we have a compendium of the data regarding climate change. We can make our own choices, rather than having to depend on politically biased research or websites. Take a look. See for yourself. Do your own peer review. “Do not believe anything on the mere authority of teachers or priests. Accept as true and as the guide to your life only that which accords with your own reason and experience, after thorough investigation. Accept only that which contributes to the well-being of yourself and others.” — Siddhārtha Gautama
I love this app! Climate science may look like a boring discipline (unless some of its particular statements are hyped) but this app will convince you that there are lots of interesting facts about our atmosphere, oceans, the Sun, and other players that influence the weather and the climate. Each of them is dedicated a sensible amount of attention so that the user ends up knowing much more about the inner dynamics than he knew att the dynamics. The app is extremely balanced in this sense. Unlike the alarmist competition, this app never crashes. The quiz was the most visually intriguing part of the app although I admit that I also liked it because my score was 100%. :-) Everyone can express his or her opinions in four questions of the type "do you believe in global warming?". Besides lots of introductory articles about the climate topics, the app brings you the most relevant charts about the climate. What will you conclude? Is there a climate threat waiting for you? Well, you will have to buy the app and make your own conclusion.
Excellent reference to show there is more to our climate than mere human involvement. Anyone spending taxpayer dollars should first spend 30 minutes with this app BEFORE they waste trillions of tax dollars on global initiatives.
I feel ripped off. Largely biased pseudoscience with underlying global warming denying facts, mostly cirscunstantial, posing as objective. I am an atmospheric scientist with a PhD and think this has other motives.
This app is selective to extreme. This is not balance or helpful.
This app actually claims that polar ice levels are stable and that polar bear populations are growing & they are in no danger (despite still being listed as endangered). It exists just to fuel the perception of a great "controversy" within the scientific community. I highly recommend getting the app "Skeptical Science" if you really want to hear the facts. (Or hell, go talk to an actual climate scientist or read a book! A science book - not political opining like this app presents.) The included poll serves as an argument ad populum intended to exaggerate the strength of denialists, but who is voting? Climate scientists? No, only the people who got this app (and judging by the reviews, many had already made up their minds on the issue). Science can NOT be determined by popular opinion!
This is a great app for people who badly need confirmation that they know better than the scientific community. Because, yknow, it is cool to be special and know the *real* truth. There are lots of nice graphs, cherry-picked from random papers, paired with value statements that arent supported in the big picture. They should have great value in winning argumets in the back of the school bus. The FUD farming is priceless: Should you have blind faith in scientific consensus? No one wants to think they have blind faith in anything, so "NO!" I am surprised they didnt ask when climatologists stopped beating their wives. So, a masterful example of how to use modern technology to muddy the waters, sow dissent, disseminate propaganda, mislead the uninformed, and postpone the inevitable.
If only the MSM would pick up on some of this information instead of saying that we are all going to die.